Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Limiting Inbox search result for IBM BPM

sometimes if we have lots of instances assigned to a user or usergroup then refreshing inbox for user become very slow as IBM BPM tries to get details about all cases and it might take upto 10 minutes.

This performance issues is due to large number of cases so there are only two solutions,
1.) close the cases and keep only required cases open and available, which does not work in all scenarios
2.) limit the number of instances fetched by a saved search/inbox in IBM BPM Portal. which can be done by below steps.

-> In newer version this value is by default set to 500 which is good and you might need to make it higher if you want to see more instances in result.

Optimize the number of loaded search result entries

You can optimize the number of retrieved results entries of your saved searches.
The saved searches are optimized to process 500 result entries. The displayed pages of the result contains up to 500 entries, which are retrieved from the server. In addition, the total number of entries is displayed.
If you expect more than 500 records for a call, for example, if you are using the TWSearch function or the saved search in an API format, you can increase this number.
To retrieve a different number of entries, complete the following steps:
  1. Insert the following section into the 100custom.xml file:
        <server merge="mergeChildren">
      <process-search-engine-count-optimization merge="replace">500</process-search-engine-count-optimization>
  2. Adjust the 500 value to meet your needs. The larger the value, the more memory and time is needed to retrieve the entries.
  3. After saving changes to the 100custom.xml file, restart the server.

You can find more details about his in blow tech-note by IBM

Monday, November 9, 2015

IBM BPM - How to find a group membership of dynamic group(type 4 groups)

We stuck in situation once where dynamic group was locking everything and no users can log into the portal. We struggled to get details about dynamic groups, like what all is included in dynamic groups, we were especially interested in which all LDAP groups were part of that dynamic groups.

By following the below steps you can get details about Dynamic groups or which all groups are added in dynamic groups.

First you need to have name of the dynamic groups. Mostly dynamic group name will be something like 'Filtered set of users' so in our example lets take same name.

Step 1.) 
select * FROM LSW_DYNAMIC_GROUP where NAME like 'Filtered set of users'

take dynamic_group_id from there and use it in below query.

Step 2.)

Here you may find one or more rows depending on creation of your dynamic group. if it is only created with users, there will be list of users in Value and you can use that.
If PG is being used as part of dynamic group you will get a row with value in Library_element_type = 24. here Library Element type is same as PO_type in lsw_po_versions and details for other type can be found using below blog entry I wrote earlier,

Step 3.)
You can get table name based on Library_element_type and then find details in perticular table. In our case for type 24 we can check below table


and from here you can go to LSW_PARTICIPANT_GROUP table to get group_ID


Step 4.)
once you have group ID, you can put it in below query to get LDAP or internal groups used in dynamic group.


IF you have more then one entry of type 24 or any other in LSW_DYNAMIC_GROUP_CONSTRAINT then you can repeat step 3 and 4 to get all details

Monday, November 2, 2015

IBM BPM - Deactivating Dynamic Group(type 4) Update - Performance improvement specially while login

What are Dynamic Groups?
Dynamic groups are created whenever a team or a task assignment is created using an expression. These expressions select users based on user attributes, group membership, and various other criteria. As a result, a dynamic group is created in the database. They are also known as Type 4 groups or in LSW_USR_GRP_XREF they will be having value of group_type = 4

Why Dynamic Groups get updated?
As mentioned earlier Dynamic Groups are set of other type of groups which includes external groups. so whenever any external or security gets updated, dynamic group also needs to get updated in order to be in sync with other groups.

When are dynamic groups updated?

There are several triggers that can cause dynamic group updates:
  • When IBM Business Process Manager internal groups or a member of an internal group are updated in the Process Admin Console.
  • When a user logs in to a IBM Business Process Manager web interface, the external group membership is replicated based on the external security provider settings. If changes are detected, dynamic groups are recalculated.
  • When a user updates user attributes in the Process Admin Console or while using a REST API.
  • During task creation using dynamic group expression.

Configuring IBM Business Process Manager to deactivate dynamic group updates

Modify the 100Custom.xml configuration file to deactivate updates for the specified triggers, as shown in the following example:

<server merge="mergeChildren">

Monday, October 12, 2015


There is a procedure available which cleans the TEMP Groups which deletes all temporary groups that are no longer referenced by a task.


I believe, we can use this procedure to clean all the unwanted groups and group member references from DB.
Please Note that, this procedure is already included in ‘LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_DELETE’ and ‘LSW_ERASE_TASK’, so if we are deleting instances or task using  stored procedure it automatically calls this proc.

Content of Procedure is as below(just if anyone is curious) – 


  -- This procedure deletes all temporary groups that are no longer referenced by a task. --

DECLARE not_found CONDITION for SQLSTATE '02000'
DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER for not_found SET at_end = 1
        DECLARE groupsToDelete CURSOR FOR stmt1
FROM sqlCmd
OPEN groupsToDelete
            SET at_end = 0
FETCH groupsToDelete INTO groupId
IF (at_end = 1) THEN
CLOSE groupsToDelete

IBM BPM Process Center Admin Tab is not visible to tw_admins and getting Authorization error while import

When you log into the process center, if you are in the tw_admins group, and no one as messed with any settings, you are a repository admin. This means that you get a 4th tab at the top of the page called "Admin" where you can control who can login to the Process Center, and if that person also sees this admin tab (as well as other features). By default tw_admins are in this list and have "Admin" checked as a property. Now if someone went and unchecked this for tw_admins, and didn't add anyone else back in.

You can see below issues - Problem Statement

  1. Admin tab is not visible in ProcessCenter Console even for tw_admins
  2. Sometimes get Authorization error while importing applications.
  3. The button to add a new offline process server is missing

If any user account in the "tw_admins" group removes the administrative privilege, the group loses its administrative privilege as well. Thus, every user that belongs to the "tw_admins" group cannot see the "Add a New Offline Server" button under the Servers tab nor access the Admin tab.

Diagnosing the problem

To determine whether administrative privileges are set, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the LSW_ACL_ENTRY table for the ACL of the "tw_admins" group.
  2. Check the row whose "GROUP_ID" is 3, and "ACL_ENTRY_ID" is 1. If the value of "MASK" column is 127, the group "tw_admins" has administrative privilege. Otherwise, the "tw_admins" group does not have any administrative privileges.

Resolving the problem

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
  1. Stop the Process Center server.
  2. Review the LSW_ACL_ENTRY table in Business Process Manager database and ensure that the value of the "MASK" column with "GROUP_ID" = 3 and the "ACL_ENTRY_ID" = 1 is 127.
  3. Restart the Process Center server.
  4. Log onto the Process Center console with any user account in the "tw_admins" group.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

IBM BPM Application Server Tuning - Cache settings

IBM BPM applications are heavily dependent on Database and caching is the most important thing while it comes to tuning, as good caching values solved lots of performance issues.

Below are few of the cache settings I have tried earlier and they gave really good result. Please note you have to keep changing cache values and try again and again to identify the best values for these cache settings.

Branch Cache
One entry in the branch cache is used for each project-branch combination that is loaded into the memory cache. For example, if a process application depends on two toolkits, three branch cache entries are required: one for the process application and one for each toolkit. Each entry in the branch cache contains a snapshot cache. Therefore, the number of entries in the branch cache is tunable, independently from the snapshot cache.

You can determine approximate value for branch cache by following equation

(# of unique Process Application snapshots + # of unique toolkit snapshots) x size_constant       
Where value can size_constant be taken as 5 (MB) and tuned to get best result.

We can add tag 'branch-context-max-cache-size' in 100Custom.xml file to configure Branch Cache.
We can add below tag in 100Custom.xml to configure BranchCache.
<server merge="mergeChildren">
  <repository merge="mergeChildren">
    <branch-context-max-cache-size merge="replace">64</branch-context-max-cache-size>


Snasphot Cache
the snapshot cache is tuned independently from the branch cache. Each branch cache entry contains a snapshot cache. In a Process Server environment, each deployed snapshot is deployed to a unique branch. Therefore, in Process Server, the snapshot cache (which is part of each branch cache entry) contains only one entry.

We can add tag 'snapshot-cache-size-per-branch' in 100Custom.xml file to configure Branch Cache.
We can add below tag in 100Custom.xml to configure BranchCache.
<server merge="mergeChildren">
  <repository merge="mergeChildren">
    <snapshot-cache-size-per-branch merge="replace">64</snapshot-cache-size-per-branch>



The versioning system in IBM BPM depends on a correctly tuned database. In addition to properly tuning the branch cache, it is important to optimize the indexes on the LSW_PO_VERSIONS table. The following indexes improve performance on IBM BPM V7.5 and later:


Source -

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Issue while migrating instances in IBM BPM - Instances are not migrating

Problem :: We were facing issue in one of our Process App where we cannot migrate any instances from older version and also not getting any error in SystemOut logs. We have tried everything and finally raised PMR to IBM. PMR went on for few months and finally we got the problem.

Issue: This is happening if you are creating new instances of ProcessApp using REST-API. in IBM BPM Process Server environment, we should not have any instance in LSW_BPD_INSTANCE table with value TIP='T' as there are not TIP version in Process Server Environment.
Though if you are creating new instance using REST-API on Default snapshot that instance will have value TIP='T' in LSW_BPD_INSTACE table, which is defect.
When we migrate instances to one snapshot to another, IBM BPM ignore all the instances having TIP='T' and thus these instances are not getting migrated.

SOLUTION: there are two things we can do.
1.) Change value for all instances from 'T' to 'F' in TIP column of LSW_BPD_INSTACES. This will let us migrate all older instances which we were not able to migrate earlier.

2.) there is an I-Fix which we should install to fix this problem for future instances.
Below are the detail for Permanent fix using IFIX.

Monday, August 24, 2015

IBM BPM PO types table (BPM DB Part)

IBM BPM 8.5.5 PO types table (BPM DB Part)
  1. PO_TYPE Name BPMDB table
  2. 1 TWProcess (Service) LSW_PROCESS
  3. 2 IC (IntegrationComponent) LSW_IC
  4. 3 Connector LSW_CONNECTOR
  5. 4 UCA (UnderCoverAgent) LSW_UCA
  6. 7 WebService LSW_WEB_SERVICE
  7. 8 WebScript
  8. 11 Report LSW_REPORT
  9. 12 TWClass (VariableType) LSW_CLASS
  10. 13 Scoreboard LSW_SCBD
  11. 14 TrackingGroup LSW_TRACKING_GROUP
  12. 15 TimingInterval LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL
  13. 16 TrackingPoint LSW_TRACKING_POINT
  14. 17 TrackedVariable LSW_TRACKED_VARIABLE
  15. 20 Layout LSW_LAYOUT
  16. 21 EPV LSW_EPV
  17. 22 GlobalVariable deprecated
  18. 24 Participant LSW_PARTICIPANT
  19. 25 BPD LSW_BPD
  20. 30 Priority LSW_PRIORITY
  21. 31 Calendar deprecated
  22. 40 CustomStatus deprecated
  23. 42 AlertSeverity deprecated
  24. 43 InfoPathForm LSW_INFOPATH_FORM
  25. 47 SLA LSW_SLA
  26. 49 Metric LSW_METRIC
  27. 50 ResourceBundleGroup LSW_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_GROUP
  28. 51 UserAttributeDefinition LSW_USER_ATTRIBUTE_DEF
  29. 52 SimulationScenario LSW_SIM_SCENARIO
  30. 53 HistoricalScenario LSW_HIST_SCENARIO
  31. 54 OrgChart deprecated
  32. 60 ExternalActivity LSW_EXTERNAL_ACTIVITY
  33. 61 ManagedAsset LSW_MANAGED_ASSET
  34. 62 EnvironmentVariableSet LSW_ENV_VAR_SET
  35. 63 ProjectDefaults LSW_PROJECT_DEFAULTS
  36. 64 CoachView BPM_COACH_VIEW
  37. 65 CoachViewBindingType BPM_COACH_VIEW_BINDING_TYPE
  38. 66 CoachViewConfigOption BPM_COACH_VIEW_CONFIG_OPTION
  39. 67 CoachViewResource BPM_COACH_VIEW_RESOURCE
  40. 68 CoachViewInlineScript BPM_COACH_VIEW_INLINE_SCRIPT
  41. 69 CoachViewLocalization BPM_COACH_VIEW_LOCAL_RES
  42. 70 CoachViewAMDDependency BPM_COACH_VIEW_AMD_DEP
  43. 71 EventSubscription BPM_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION
  44. 1989 ExtendedPropertySet LSW_EXTENDED_PROPERTY_SET
  45. 2000 ExtendedProperty LSW_EXTENDED_PROPERTY
  46. 2001 AlertType deprecated
  47. 2002 SapConnection LSW_SAP_CONNECTION
  48. 2005 Breakpoint LSW_BREAKPOINT
  49. 2006 BpdEvent LSW_BPD_EVENT
  50. 2007 BpdParameter LSW_BPD_PARAMETER
  51. 2008 BpmEvent BPM_BPD_EVENT
  52. 2013 EpvVar LSW_EPV_VAR
  53. 2014 EpvVarValue LSW_EPV_VAR_VALUE
  54. 2015 Favorite LSW_FAVORITE
  55. 2018 ICInputProperty LSW_IC_INPUT_PROPERTY
  56. 2019 ICOutputProperty LSW_IC_OUTPUT_PROPERTY
  57. 2020 TimingIntervalBound LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL_BOUND
  58. 2022 Launcher LSW_LAUNCHER
  59. 2023 LayoutParam LSW_LAYOUT_PARAM
  60. 2025 ProcessItem LSW_PROCESS_ITEM
  61. 2026 ProcessItemLogVar deprecated
  62. 2027 ProcessLink LSW_PROCESS_LINK
  63. 2028 ProcessLabel LSW_PROCESS_LABEL
  64. 2029 ProcessItemPrePost LSW_PROCESS_ITEM_PRE_POST
  65. 2030 ReportPage LSW_REPORT_PAGE
  66. 2031 ReportChart LSW_REPORT_CHART
  67. 2032 ReportDatasource LSW_REPORT_DATASOURCE
  68. 2033 ReportDatasourceICLink LSW_REPORT_DATASOURCE_IC_LINK
  69. 2034 ReportDatasourceLayoutLink LSW_REPORT_DS_LAYOUT_LINK
  70. 2035 ReportVariable LSW_REPORT_VARIABLES
  71. 2036 ReportEpvLink LSW_REPORT_EPV_LINK
  72. 2037 ReportTGLink LSW_REPORT_TG_LINK
  73. 2038 ResourceBundle LSW_RESOURCE_BUNDLE
  74. 2039 ResourceBundleKey LSW_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_KEY
  75. 2040 SavedSearch LSW_SAVED_SEARCHES
  76. 2041 ScoreboardReportLink LSW_SCBD_RPT_LINK
  77. 2043 ScriptLanguage
  78. 2044 SyncQueue LSW_UCA_SYNC_QUEUE
  79. 2045 UCABlackout LSW_UCA_BLACKOUT
  80. 2046 UCAParam LSW_UCA_PARM
  81. 2047 ProviderUser LSW_USR
  82. 2048 User LSW_USR_XREF
  83. 2049 UserAttribute LSW_USR_ATTR
  84. 2050 UserAttributeDefinitionValue LSW_USER_ATTR_DEF_VALUES
  85. 2052 WebServiceOperation LSW_WEB_SERVICE_OP
  86. 2054 ParameterMapping LSW_PARAMETER_MAPPING
  87. 2055 ProcessParameter LSW_PROCESS_PARAMETER
  88. 2056 ProcessVariable LSW_PROCESS_VARIABLE
  89. 2057 ProcessGlobalVariableLink deprecated
  90. 2058 EpvProcessLink LSW_EPV_PROCESS_LINK
  91. 2059 ResourceProcessLink LSW_RESOURCE_PROCESS_LINK
  92. 2060 ExternalActivityParameter LSW_EXTACT_PARAMETER
  93. 2061 ExternalActivityProperty LSW_EXTACT_PROPERTY
  94. 2063 Branch LSW_BRANCH
  95. 2064 Snapshot LSW_SNAPSHOT
  96. 2065 Deployment LSW_DEPLOYMENT
  97. 2066 Project LSW_PROJECT
  98. 2068 Server LSW_SERVER
  99. 2069 ProjectDependency LSW_PROJECT_DEPENDENCY
  100. 2070 ParameterMappingParent
  101. 2072 BPDInstance LSW_BPD_INSTANCE
  102. 2073 BPDInstanceData LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_DATA
  103. 2075 UserGroup LSW_USR_GRP_XREF
  104. 2076 Release LSW_RELEASE
  105. 2077 EnvironmentVariableValue LSW_ENV_VAR_VAL
  106. 2078 Task LSW_TASK
  107. 2079 UserFavorite LSW_USER_FAVORITE
  108. 2080 TaskAttachment LSW_FILE
  109. 2081 TaskNarrative LSW_TASK_NARR
  110. 2082 TaskSendToList LSW_TASK_ADDR
  111. 2084 TaskExecutionContext LSW_TASK_EXECUTION_CONTEXT
  112. 2085 TaskInfopathFormData LSW_TASK_IPF_DATA
  113. 2086 ExternalTaskData LSW_TASK_EXTACT_DATA
  114. 2087 UserAssume LSW_USR_ASSUME
  115. 2089 BPDNotification LSW_BPD_NOTIFICATION
  116. 2090 DependencyPath LSW_DEP_PATH
  117. 2091 POReference LSW_PO_REFERENCE
  118. 2092 EnvironmentVariableDefault LSW_ENV_VAR_DEFAULT
  119. 2093 EnvironmentType LSW_ENV_TYPE
  120. 2094 EnvironmentVariable LSW_ENV_VAR
  121. 2095 RTReference LSW_RT_REFERENCE
  122. 2097 TimePeriod LSW_TIME_PERIOD
  123. 2098 TimeSchedule LSW_TIME_SCHEDULE
  124. 2099 HolidaySchedule LSW_HOLIDAY_SCHEDULE
  125. 2100 TWAclEntry LSW_ACL_ENTRY
  126. 2101 SmartFolder LSW_SMART_FOLDER
  127. 2102 ReportDatasourceServiceLink LSW_REPORT_DATASOURCE_SRV_LINK
  128. 2103 Installation LSW_INSTALLATION
  129. 2104 BlueprintSubscription LSW_BLUEPRINT_SUBSCRIPTION
  130. 2105 ReportRbgLink LSW_REPORT_RBG_LINK
  131. 2106 EnvironmentVariableType LSW_ENV_VAR_TYPE
  132. 2107 ServerCapability LSW_SERVER_CAPABILITY
  133. 2108 CapabilityType LSW_CAPABILITY_TYPE
  134. 2109 SharedObject BPM_SHARED_OBJECT
  135. 2110 SharedObjectInstance BPM_SHARED_OBJECT_INSTANCE
  136. 2111 SharedObjectValue BPM_SHARED_OBJECT_VALUE
  137. 2112 OSLCProvider BPM_OSLC_PROVIDER
  138. 2113 BPDSoapHeader BPM_BPD_SOAPHEADER
  139. 2114 EventSubscriptionType BPM_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE
  140. 2115 UCAEventType BPM_UCA_EVENT_TYPE
  141. 2116 BPDInstanceMeasures BPM_BPD_INSTANCE_MEASURES
  142. 2117 BPMAsset BPM_ASSET
  143. 2118 BPDActivityInstance LSW_BPD_ACTIVITY_INSTANCE
  144. 2119 UserAvatar BPM_USR_AVATAR
  145. 2120 BPDInstanceCorrelation LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_CORRELATION
  146. 2121 BPDInstanceExtData LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_EXT_DATA
  147. 2122 BPDResourceLink BPM_BPD_RESOURCE_LINK
  148. 3000 Component
  149. 3003 Coach LSW_COACH
  150. 3004 CoachResource LSW_COACH_RESOURCE
  151. 3005 CoachButton LSW_COACH_BUTTON
  152. 3007 Exception LSW_EXCEPTION
  153. 3008 ExitPoint LSW_EXIT_POINT
  154. 3009 InvokeUCA LSW_INVOKE_UCA
  155. 3010 Step LSW_STEP
  156. 3011 Script LSW_SCRIPT
  157. 3012 SubProcess LSW_SUBPROCESS
  158. 3013 Switch LSW_SWITCH
  159. 3014 SwitchCondition LSW_SWITCH_CONDITION
  160. 3015 TaskAction LSW_TASK_ACTION
  161. 3016 TaskSender LSW_TASK_SENDER
  162. 3017 TaskSenderExcludedVar LSW_TASK_SENDER_EXVAR
  163. 3018 TaskSenderAddr LSW_TASK_SENDER_ADDR
  164. 3019 TaskSenderFile LSW_TASK_SENDER_FILE
  165. 3020 TrackingPoint LSW_TRACKING_POINT
  166. 3021 TrackedVariableUse LSW_TRACKED_VARIABLE_USE
  167. 3022 JavaConnector LSW_JAVA_CONNECTOR
  168. 3023 WSConnector LSW_WS_CONNECTOR
  169. 3024 ILOGConnector LSW_ILOG_CONNECTOR
  170. 3025 SCAConnector LSW_SCA_CONNECTOR
  171. 3026 ILOGDecision LSW_ILOG_DECISION
  172. 3027 ICMCaseConnector LSW_ICMCASE_CONNECTOR
  173. 3028 CoachNG BPM_COACHNG
  174. 3029 CoachNGBoundaryEvent BPM_COACHNG_BOUNDARY_EVENT
  175. 3030 ECMConnector BPM_ECM_CONNECTOR
  176. 3031 StayOnPage LSW_STAY_ON_PAGE
  177. 3032 CoachFlow
  178. 5000 Repository
  179. 6001 Contribution BPM_CONTRIBUTION
  180. 6002 ContributionProperty BPM_CTRB_PROPERTY
  181. 6003 Artifact BPM_ARTIFACT
  182. 6004 ContributionDependency BPM_CTRB_DEPENDENCY
  183. 6005 ProcessArtifactReference BPM_PROC_ARTIFACT_REF
  184. 6006 ClassArtifactReference BPM_CLS_ARTIFACT_REF
  185. 6007 BPDArtifactReference BPM_BPD_ARTIFACT_REF
  186. 6008 MonitorProjectInterchange BPM_MON_MODEL_DATA
  187. 6009 PCRegistration BPM_REGISTRATION
  188. 6010 RepositoryLog BPM_REPOSITORY_LOG
  189. 6011 SharedToolKitUsage BPM_SHARED_TK_USAGES
  190. 6012 BPMSnapshotStatus BPM_SNAPSHOT_STATUS
  191. 6014 ProjectSubscription BPM_PROJECT_SUBSCRIPTION
  192. 6015 ProjectSubscribed BPM_PROJECT_SUBSCRIBED
  193. 6016 TaskMarker BPM_TASK_MARKERS
  194. 6017 PCIndexAction BPM_PC_IDX_ACTION
  195. 6018 PCIndexer BPM_PC_INDEXER
  196. 6019 GovernanceEvent BPM_GOVERNANCE_EVENT
  197. 6020 GovernanceAssignment BPM_GOVERNANCE_ASSIGNMENT
  198. 6021 TWClassExtension BPM_TWCLASS_EXTENSION
  199. 6022 CaseProperty BPM_CASE_PROPERTY
IBM BPM 8.5.5 PO types table (PDW DB Part)
  1. PO_TYPE Name PDWDB table
  2. 4000 SystemDefinition LSW_SYSTEM
  3. 4002 Task LSW_TASK
  4. 4003 TrackedField LSW_TRACKED_FIELD
  5. 4004 TrackedFieldUse LSW_TRACKED_FIELD_USE
  6. 4005 TrackedValue
  7. 4006 TrackingGroup LSW_TRACKING_GROUP
  8. 4007 TrackingPoint LSW_TRACKING_POINT
  9. 4008 TrackingPointValue LSW_TRACKING_POINT_VALUE
  10. 4009 TimingIntervalValue LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL_VALUE
  11. 4010 TimingIntervalBound LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL_BOUND
  12. 4011 TimingInterval LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL
  13. 4012 LoadTrace LSW_LOAD_TRACE
  14. 4013 User LSW_USR_XREF
  15. 4014 Table LSW_TABLE
  16. 4015 Column LSW_COLUMN
  17. 4016 View LSW_VIEW
  18. 4017 Snapshot LSW_SNAPSHOT