Tuesday, August 13, 2013

UCA or Scheduled taks from older version are not beig deactivated - IBM BPM 7.5.1

We have faced this problem earlier and it was very BIG problem for us as the UCA was involved in some very sensitive tasks.

Problem Statement ::
While you install new snapshot for any project and deactivate older snapshot, all older UCAs(scheduled) should be deactivated and only UCAs from new version should be there in Event Manager Queue. but in IBM BPM 7.5.1 this is not the case, All UCAs for older snpashot are still there in Event Manager queue as well as All UCAs from newer version. so basically we have multiple Schduled UCAs for doing same work and executing multiple times.
Earlier we thought like UCAs are executing multiple time but while investigating we realized that its older UCAs which are still there in EM queue.

This problem is fixed by IBM and they provided an Ifix for solving this issue.
I-Fix is also included in IBM BPM Fix pack

For more information, 