Monday, July 8, 2013

How to stop a service which is in loop or taking long time to execute in IBM BPM

Sometimes on Development or test a service might get stuck in loop or take too much time to execute, If it takes unusual time to execute you need to halt it by force. Follow below steps to halt or force stop a service.

  • log on to ProcessAdmin console as admin/tw_admin.
  • Go to Monitoring -> Process Monitor
  • You'll see a page displaying summary of all the services. On the top of the page, you'll see "Process", "Services".
  • Click on Services
  • If you service is still running, you'll find it under "Active Services Currently Executing"
  • Click on the service and you will be routed to a web page with the serive detials
  • You'll also notice a button "halt service". This should stop your service.
  • If this does not work, the only option I can think of is to restart Lombardi(IBM BPM app node) unless there is webapi call to teminate tasks (which I am not very sure of).